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Play Diary

This is a diary for the production. The aim is to provide insights into this show from the start of rehearsals until the performances. 


Acting & Drama Classes
The Auditions

The play was selected and the auditions held. A cast of five were required for this classic thriller. Our director selected the cast and the initial rehearsals were held.

First Rehearsals
Singing & Dance

The first rehearsals, comprising 'blocking' the scenes (working out the moves), with the cast were held. These rehearsals planned the moves for all of the play. The actors and director worked really hard to create the characters and tell the story.

Summer Rehearsals

We had to go to Pennybridge, the headquarters of Urmston Musical Theatre (UMT) to rehearse through the summer, while electrical work took place at the school hall, our regular home. This really helped the progress of the production. Thanks to UMT for their generosity.     


We returned to the school hall for the final phase of rehearsals. We had to adjust to the stage and it was good to be back in our regular home. Work on the set has now commenced, in order to get ready for the performances. The HATS team is working hard in the countdown to the opening night. 


Final Rehearsals
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